Royal Free Radio
Studio Helpers
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Our team of Studio Helpers can find themselves doing all manner of tasks to help the Presenters get the live Request Programmes ‘On Air’.

Each Studio Helper is assigned to a particular night of the week and together with the Presenter(s) they put together that night’s Request Programme. This involves sorting out the requests and dedications that come in from the Request Collectors or the ones emailed and phoned in.

The Studio Helper lists the music required from the record library or the computer storage system and helps the Presenter compile and order things ready for the programme.

The presenter will often have other music requirements for their show, maybe a special theme of music to mark an anniversary or special occasion. This is where the Studio Helpers knowledge of music is an advantage as they can suggest additional material for the presenter.

Of course there are other chores as well to be done- answering the phone and everything down to making sure records are put away correctly and the studio ready for the next programme to go on air.

So if you are:
  • Interested in radio and how a show is put together
  • Able to be at the studio regularly, once a week from about 7.30pm to 10.00pm
  • Competent with basic computer skills – searching on-line, reading emails etc.
  • A little knowledgeable about many types of music – you don’t need a vast awareness but some is helpful
  • A good ‘team player’
Then maybe this role is for you.

One of our current team of studio helpers once said “I feel an essential part of the team as the Presenter just doesn’t have the time to answer the phones, get out the records and make the tea!!”
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Request Collectors
A team of people who go around the wards, chat to patients to find out what they want to hear on the radio.
The final link in the chain. Our presenters provide the voices you hear, both live and pre-recorded.